Thursday, February 2, 2012

Don’t Lose Hope Living Under Obama (or Romney)


Don’t Lose Hope Living Under Obama (or Romney) by Gary DeMar over at Godfather Politics

Conservatives are getting disillusioned. The Republican candidates are not inspiring a majority of voters. The candidates are attacking one another rather than the real target – the Marxist policies of Barack Obama. The one good thing about the wrangling is that it’s making Mitt Romney sound more conservative. He’s taking more conservative positions in order to lure people to his side.


Homosexuals stole the word “gay” and the rainbow, but don’t let Obama steal hope. It’s time to deal with reality.


Newt Gingrich is just not likeable. I’m sorry, but likeability is a big deal in politics, especially when it comes to people who know very little about the issues. Female voters bolted from Gingrich in Florida. That’s a bad sign.


Santorum does not come across as presidential. He may be a nice guy and have a great story, but some of his votes as a Senator and support of Arlen Specter against Pat Toomey in the 2004 Pennsylvania Senate race are huge problems for conservatives.


Read more: Don’t Lose Hope Living Under Obama (or Romney)

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