Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Detroit Shock City


Detroit Shock City- Self-Defense Killings Soar by Mark over at Mark America


The Daily is covering the story of Detroit’s soaring rate of self-defense killings, but as usual, the liberal slant on the story quickly abandons the notion of self-defense and instead re-labels it “vigilantism.” I have a serious problem with the shading of this story as one about vigilantism, because if a thug breaks into my home and I kill him, I’m not a vigilante, but a home-owner and citizen exercising my right to self-defense. Only in a place where violence against innocent citizens is considered tolerable at some level could it be possible to see this as anything other than what it is: A direct response by the citizens of Detroit who refuse to be victimized because big government has failed them and is now collapsing under its own weight. Instead, they blame it on the citizens, comparing Detroit directly to the Wild West.


From the article:

“It’s a lot more acceptable now to get your own retribution,” the official said. “And the justice system in the city is a lot more understanding if people do that. It‘s becoming a part of the culture.”

The problem isn’t that it is now acceptable, but that it hasn’t been all along. Had it been acceptable for the last fifty years, Detroit might not have spent most of that period at or near the top of the country’s Murder Capital list. It’s well past time that the citizens of Detroit begin to act in their own defense, in recognition of their predicament, because despite the propaganda, cops cannot protect us. The Daily spends a good deal of time talking about the response times for Police in the Detroit area, but the truth is that most things happen faster than cops can be called, never mind respond, as one officer points out:


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