Friday, February 10, 2012

Court Upholds Firing of CDC Counselor for Her Stand on Christianity


Court Upholds Firing of CDC Counselor for Her Stand on Christianity by Da Tagliare over at Godfather Politics

Once again folks we see the liberal anti-Christian judicial system strip a Christian of their First Amendment right to freedom of religion and freedom of speech.


Center for Disease Control and Prevention counselor Marcia Walden was approached by a fellow employee who sought counseling concerning a same-sex relationship. Rather than getting in trouble for interjecting her strong Christian faith, Walden followed accepted procedure of referring the client to another counselor. Shortly after that, Walden was removed from her position.


The case went before the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. In the ruling passed down, the court said they recognized Walden’s “sincerely held religious beliefs prohibit her from encouraging same-sex relationships through counseling.” However, they ruled that the evidence provided was sufficient to prove her claim that she was removed because of her Christian beliefs.


Read more: Court Upholds Firing of CDC Counselor for Her Stand on Christianity

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