Monday, February 20, 2012

Cat-Scratched Hero


This story is cute. It might remind you of some incidents with animals in your childhood or with your kids.


Cat-Scratched Hero by Jim Reed over at Canada Free Press

When they were kids, I would take my three daughters and their friends to the creek bordering our farm and let them shoot floating shaving cream cans with a small caliber rifle. In time, they became expert markswomen.


I’d position them on the bridge’s downstream side with the rifle at ready, and toss a can on the upstream side. When it passed under the bridge, they’d begin their fusillade. The mortally wounded cans skittered wildly across the surface, propelled by the release of their contents. The girls kept score for initial hits and the more difficult killing shots when the cans were farther downstream.


One cold afternoon, when the can killers were indulging in this diversion, the creek was near flood stage following heavy rains. As always, I threw a can upstream … but instead of shots, I heard the whole passel of shootists howling.


“There’s a cat down there!” they caterwauled in unison. Leaning over the railing, I saw the cause of their distress. A soaked, shivering kitten was clinging to a bridge piling. Leaving without rescuing the cat was not an option.


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