Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Boehner Looking More Like Benedict Arnold of Republican Party


Boehner Looking More Like Benedict Arnold of Republican Party by Da Tagliare over at Godfather Politics

When the Republican Party regained control of the House of Representatives in the 2010 election, John Boehner (R-OH) became Speaker of the House. At that time, Boehner spoke about how he and the Republican controlled House would stand up against the path that President Obama and the Democrats had been leading our country down.


In one of the first stand offs, many of the newly elected Republican House members stood firm on the debt crisis. They were determined to keep their campaign promises by cutting spending and the national debt. Under Boehner’s leadership, the Republican House eventually made compromises with the Democratic controlled Senate and the president to avert a government shutdown and supposed default on the national debt loan payments.


Then on the payroll tax cuts, the Republican House insisted on passing a measure to extend them through the end of 2012. The Democratic Senate only wanted a two month extension. Once again, a number of freshman Republicans in the House vowed to stand firm on their demand for a one year extension. And once again, Boehner slithered off to the White House to negotiate with the President. He came back with another capitulation measure as he bowed to the pressures of the Democrats once again.


For the past six months, Operation Fast and Furious has been a central issue on Capitol Hill. Rep Darrell Issa (R-CA) is head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He has launched a House investigation into the ATF’s botched gun running program in an attempt to hold those responsible for it and the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.


Read more: Boehner Looking More Like Benedict Arnold of Republican Party http://godfatherpolitics.com/3655/boehner-looking-more-like-benedict-arnold-of-republican-party/#ixzz1mGq5f7xp   


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  1. Is Speaker Boehner making a deal with the Obama Administration to stop Fast & Furious-

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