Monday, February 6, 2012

Battle Plans For The Future


The Conservative Strategy for Winning; Long Term by nebraskaeneryoberver over at Nebraska Energy Observer


Can we win, long term? Sure!


We are the smart ones, remember? Yeah, us Conservatives, we know how to think, to plan, to execute, to continue the mission, and accomplish the mission. When I do this sort of stuff in business, I start with the US Army’s operation order:



  1. America is going broke and losing the freedom of the individual

  2. We needs to return the US to its historical roots while not relinquishing our presence and force for the good and right world-wide

  3. Reinforcements are everywhere there is someone who thinks rationally. One could start with my blogroll and the one found at those sites. One could also look for conservative media and commentators.

The Mission:


The American Counterrevolution. Take America back to the Constitutional Republic the Founders envisioned, while remaining the only people who will go out into the world to fight evil. 


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