Monday, February 13, 2012

Barack’s Smug Assault on Freedom of Religion Isn’t Just Anti-American


Barack’s Smug Assault on Freedom of Religion Isn’t Just Anti-American—It’s Unforgivable by Kelly O’Connell over at Canada Free Press

Could history’s greatest Republic be suffering total amnesia over the Founder’s conviction that religion is a sacrosanct zone outside of governmental authority? You’d think so given the Obama administration’s decision to force Believers to provide birth control against conviction.


The Democrat’s sinister progressive cabal, in typical Marxist fashion, clumsily politicizes yet another area of American freedom. We observe, again the inevitable, serious-as-a-heart-attack, yet simplistically trite socialist power-grab.


Here, in his dysfunctional, liberal kabuki theater, a pseudo-sincere, smart ##### leftist drone solemnly dictates religious organizations must underwrite birth control. Undoubtedly, Barack and his sub-literate fellow-travelers chortled like hyenas over the resulting pious hand-wringing of sincere Believers.


But of extreme import to Barack is reminding everyone of the god that is government, with its inherent authority and right to do whatever it likes in the lives of Americans. Or, as Rep. Fortney “Pete” Stark stated in response to a question during a town hall over Obamacare (video):


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