Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Apparatchiks Of The Day (1-31-2012)


1)  Representative Nancy Pelosi is another apparatchik of Comrade Obama. First she helped shove ObamaCare down our throats against the majority of people of the US. Plus other bills.  This apparatchik has tried to blackmail Newt Gingrich and spouted off stuff that are stupid like comparing the Tea Party to Nazis.


  1. Top 10 perils of Pelosi

  2. Pelosi Tells Hollywood Fundraisers To Ignore Reality And Believe Dems Have a “Real Chance” At Retaking The House

  3. Full-of-Pelosi

2)  Chris Matthews is in cahoots with Comrade Obama.  I am really not sure what else. Chris Matthews is a race card abuser, liar, and will say anything to defend his Comrade.


  1. Tingles- “Honest Fear Of Violence” From Tea Partiers, “National Hatred” Of Obama Not Seen Under Previous Presidents

  2. Chris Matthews Inadvertently Exposes Why Elitists Fear the Tea Party, Support #OWS

3) Do I need to say anything about this lady called Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz?


  1. DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz Hits GOP Candidates For Their “Extremism” And “Callous Disregard” For Illegal Immigrants

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