Thursday, February 2, 2012

America Does NOT Want Change!


America Does NOT Want Change! by Giacomo over a Godfather Politics

In the 2008 election, Sen Obama ran on a platform of change. He promised to change how things were done in Washington and he has lived up to that one promise.


Since taking office, the changes President Obama made were not for the good of Americans, but for the good of Obama and his socialist comrades. He increases the size of the federal government and the national debt. He forced a national healthcare program on the people. He took over the student loan program. Obama has made more executive orders than any president in history and regularly bypasses Congress, setting himself up as a dictator.


He gave America change and Americans didn’t like it. In 2010, the people reacted to Obama’s change and elected a wave of conservative Republicans and regained control of the House of Representatives. They also elected a number of Republican senators, but not quite enough to regain control of the Senate. A number of states elected Republican governors.


Read more: America Does NOT Want Change!

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