Monday, January 23, 2012

Releasing The Bull In The China Shop. Is It A Good Idea?


It's Time for the Bull in the China Shop by Bill Markin over at the American Thinker

With all due respect to his enormous contribution to the conservative movement, John Ziegler really blew it in his January 20th article on the American Thinker website, The Myth of 'Newt The Great Debater'. In less-than-subtle terms, Mr. Ziegler bemoaned how the media would react to a Gingrich-Obama debate by portraying him - at best - as "angry, unhinged, and lacking the temperament to be president of the United States" and at worst as "like a rabid, uncaged, animal and, inevitably, maybe even racist," conjuring images of Newt as a proverbial bull in a china shop.


Mr. Ziegler based his comments on the fact that "Newt somehow got rave reviews for calling his ex-wife a liar."


First, Newt did not call his ex-wife a liar, nor direct any anger toward her. He said her statement about him asking for an open marriage was not true. Indeed, if you listen closely to the interview, it becomes clear that the term "Open Marriage" (which carries far stronger connotations than just infidelity), was his ex-wife's characterization of the situation, not Newt's, but that's the phrase the media has latched on to...precisely for that reason, I'm sure.


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