Sunday, January 15, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 14, 2012


  1. Mitt Romney’s Inevitability Factor

  2. New Jersey Synagogue Firebombed

  3. Cruise ship in deadly accident off Italy

  4. Captain of cruise ship that ran aground off Italy arrested

  5. Stars who make PETA mad- Dr. Dre & more

  6. For DNC Chief Wasserman-Schultz, just when is a win, a 'win-'

  7. The Brotherhood's True Itinerary

  8. Americans don't share liberal outrage over urinategate

  9. The 2012 Election Isn't Only About Electing Someone besides Barack Obama

  10. Team Obama and the Voters

  11. The Tebow Effect

  12. Former presidential candidate John Edwards has a life-threatening hair heart condition

  13. Friday Night Comedy Video- Michelle Obama Shakes Her Booty

  14. Romney Walking Back Job Creation Claim-

  15. US Communist Leader- OWS ‘a Wake Up Call to All Who Remain Committed to a Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist Direction

  16. Challenge Of The Day

  17. Quote Of The Day

  18. Tweet Of The Day

  19. Bless you, Allen West!

  20. In a world without YouTube

  21. A very good picture



  24. Athena gets what’s at stake in Bain kerfuffle

  25. Obama admin taken to court for recess appointments

  26. Romney Endorsers – A Lot of Money Goes a Long Way

  27. Your tax dollars at work

  28. “Nobody on the planet names their children Leroy except black people

  29. They Should Have Sentenced G20 Skank To North Korea

  30. Kids Booo Michelle Obama After She Tells Them To Expect More Vegetables In Their School Lunches…

  31. Oprah Winfrey- Chicago Jesus a “Masterful Leader”…

  32. DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz- Democratic Party Is “Natural Home” For Minorities…

  33. White House cites free speech concerns over online piracy bills

  34. Five NASCAR Drivers Say No Thanks To White House Invite

  35. Quote of the Day- John Elway on @TimTebow

  36. An open letter to my (now deceased) biological father, whom I never met

  37. Greatness is Increased  [Saturday, January 14, 2012]

  38. MSDNC Hack- “This Economic Recovery Best Evah!!!!!!!”

  39. In English Please

  40. No Worries

  41. Daily Read – January 14

  42. Personal Liberty’s Crystal Ball

  43. Hollywood & Slime-  Brad and Angelina beautify our nation's capital

  44. The Greatest Headline Of All Time

  45. Heads Up – Newt Gingrich Booed at Fox Huckabee Forum – Footage to air this evening

  46. Beck Joins Left, Targets James O’Keefe (Again) Over New Hampshire Voter Fraud Sting

  47. Tim Tebow – Born a Preacher

  48. Today’s American Hero Spotlight Goes to Dana Loesch- “I’d Drop Trou and Do it Too”

  49. Weekly Address- Obama Berates US Economy “Known for Its Paper Profits… and Financial

  50. Wade E. Taylor- End-Time Baptism in Holy Spirit Fire

  51. MC Hammer says don't 'touch this'

  52. Krauthammer-  Yes, Tim Tebow does have 'a direct line to God'

  53. Reddit plans blackout to protest SOPA; other websites may follow Update: White House to oppose SOPA?

  54. Get Ready For More Inflation

  55. Shaking a Fist at God While Rooting Against Tim Tebow

  56. No Light at Tunnel’s End-

  57. Romney’s Endorsements

  58. Integrity

  59. Muslim Man Throws Black Ink at Yoga Guru During Press Conference (Video)

  60. How To Think Like A Liberal…

  61. Planned Parenthood Tells Supporters Abortion Is “Sexy”…

  62. Beautiful and brainy...........and needs help

  63. Afghan Soldier Fires on US Soldiers Playing Volleyball – Killing One and Wounding

  64. Boko Haram Leader Imam Abubakar Shekau Releases YouTube Message Justifying the Murder of Christians in Nigeria

  65. Attn: Boko Haram

  66. Focus on the Family Releases “John 3-16″ Ad for Broncos-Patriots Game (Video)


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