Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 9, 2012


  1. Obama's Political Ploys Could Backfire

  2. Chicago Political Turf War Heats Up

  3. Take This Job, and Keep the Change

  4. Looming Destruction- Will Jews Ever Learn-

  5. America’s Dark Mood

  6. WH 'covered up'

  7. Latest Global Warming Scare- CO2 Will Delay the Next Ice Age

  8. OWS is so rich they have cash to burn-

  9. MSNBC’s O’Donnell- Obama Doesn’t Want To Run Against Romney (VIDEO)

  10. Comedy- DNC Chair Dodges Question About Obama's Responsibility For Solyndra

  11. Wasserman-Schultz Squirms Over Chris Wallace Solyndra Question

  12. Bonehead Of The Day

  13. Francis Porretto asks a damn good question

  14. Gummint economics 101

  15. Our source wishes to remain anonymous

  16. More anti-gun propaganda-

  17. Are Electric Car Buyers Brain Damaged- 

  18. General Debate Jan 9th

  19. Chris Christie Owns #Occupy Hecklers in New Hampshire (Video)

  20. Black Man Attacks Newt Gingrich at New Hampshire Campaign Stop

  21. Jon Huntsman for President

  22. Good Morning from New Hampshire – GOP Primary 2012

  23. Huntsman’s solid statement on civil unions

  24. Why cover up party at White House-

  25. Top Dem- 'We'd love to see regular order' but Obama couldn't 'fill these positions' [VIDEO]

  26. Flashback- Are the Post-Defeat Planners Still In Charge-

  27. Tory appointee has done a great job cleaning up the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

  28. Norway’s ‘Beloved’ Terrorist Heads Back to Iraq

  29. Iran Sentences American to Death in CIA Case

  30. Religiomania

  31. The Dark State Has Prevailed Once Again

  32. Forget about it Jake...It's Canada

  33. Break union stranglehold on City Hall

  34. Ron Paul- Terror Attacks Against America Are A Crime, Not An Act Of War…

  35. Politico’s Evan Thomas- “Angry, White, Middle Class Males A Seething Force” That Supports Santorum

  36. Compare And Contrast…

  37. Fun Fact of The Day: Current 8.5% Unemployment Rate Is What Obama Predicted It Would Be If Congress Did Not Pass His Gargantuan $825 Billion Stimulus Bill…

  38. Occupy Oakland Protesters Arrested For Possessing Homemade Bomb…

  39. WZ Poll- Who Can Beat Obama-…

  40. Guard The Mosques, Hide The Gays, Tebow Wins OT Thriller…

  41. Proactive

  42. Employment

  43. Nice try, but no Darwin Award for you!

  44. In Defense of Gingrich and Santorum, I Did Math

  45. What Are You Prepared to Do-

  46. He Kept His Eyes on the Prize

  47. The Season of Favor  [Monday, January 9, 2012]

  48. 2012 Prophetic Perspectives

  49. Bummer- Because You Drove To Work, The Next Ice Age Will Be Postponed

  50. Another Attempt at Destruction

  51. Has Obama Signed Our Death Warrant-

  52. Daily Read – January 9

  53. Drinking Right With The Right Folks!

  54. RIP-Maricopa County Sheriffs Deputy William Coleman Shot And Killed

  55. New TV Show Idea- All-American Christian

  56. Lloyd’s Life Lessons- An Unexpected Gift From God

  57. Bullying Laws Violate Freedom of Speech and Religion

  58. Obama Using Unconstitutional Measures to Ban Guns

  59. Do Business Owners Have the Right to Religious Freedom-

  60. FLORIDA- MUSLIM man arrested for planning bomb plots against Tampa targets

  61. The proper way to kill your cheatin’ wife

  62. Is Ron Paul in bed with Barack Obama-

  63. TREASON charges against Barack Obama keep piling up. Why is Congress silent-

  64. Argentine President Never Had Cancer

  65. Better Ingredients, Better Racism- Papa John’s

  66. America - The Land of No Restraint!

  67. The Fallibility of Heretical Hunters

  68. Bill Daley OUT – Time for a look back at what Insider told us way back when…

  69. The Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama Presidency…

  70. Under the Radar – Eric Holder Takes On Texas

  71. Dan Rather- As of Today, Obama Would Lose

  72. Ron Paul Caller Slips Through

  73. William Daley packs his bags for Chicago

  74. Michelle Obama Was “Distressed” About the Power of “White Irish Catholics” in Illinois

  75. Obamanomics not as popular in 2012 as New Deal in 1948

  76. Muslim Anti-Semitism- AGAIN

  77. Incoming Chief of Staff Jack Lew’s Past Statements Coming Under Fire

  78. More Questions Arise About Soldier who Promoted Ron Paul in Uniform; Has Arrest Record from Florida

  79. Rick Santorum may have accepted Alan Colmes’ apology but I won’t

  80. Conservative Split Threatens to Give Romney Victory

  81. Eerie… With Camera Rolling, Polish Military Prosecutor Shoots Himself After Reporting On Mysterious Plane Crash That Killed President In Russia (video)

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