Monday, January 9, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 8, 2012


  1. Seven good reasons not to support Obama in 2012

  2. What-Were-Ya-Thinkin’ Of The Day

  3. The Kiwi inferiority complex in full flight-

  4. “Secret justice” is no justice at all

  5. ’49 Cadillac

  6. A very American coup-

  7. This will scare the liberals

  8. Unsurprising news in a society that has lost its marbles

  9. Newt Gingrich Criticizes Liberal Bigotry Against Christians

  10. Update on Disputed Iowa Vote Count

  11. Awesome! Newt Rips Media For Bias & Bigotry Against the Church (Video)

  12. Rick Perry Nails Ron Paul- Calls Him a Hypocrite on Earmarks

  13. For the Record… Obama Blew More Money on Chevy Volt Than Entire GDP of Guyana, Belize, And Djibouti

  14. NEW HAMPSHIRE GOP DEBATE — Join the discussion!

  15. Romney, largely unchallenged, behaves like he has already won GOP nomination

  16. TheDC- Debbie Wasserman Schultz- You know Romney's a flip-flopper-

  17. Casino mogul bets on Newt

  18. Don't Want to Legalize Drugs- You Must Be a Racist

  19. Palin- Media Wants Romney to be the Nominee

  20. Muslim Hate Mail - Content warning

  21. Shafia Honour Killings- Syed Soharwardy & The Social Worker Shill For Islam

  22. Video- Perry Calls Ron Paul a Hypocrite For Loading Bills With Earmark Pork…

  23. Video- Santorum Blasts Obama For Sanitizing All References To Islam From DHS Materials…

  24. Stand in a Sure Place! [Sunday, January 8, 2012]

  25. Observations on Aging … George Carlin

  26. The temptation of Jesus -- and the temptation of ministry

  27. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  28. Proverbs 14-5-9

  29. Daily Read – January 8

  30. Savage- Romney can’t stop Obama

  31. We Don’t Live Under Caesar

  32. Why Republicans are the Real Problem

  33. What Will You Do If Romney Is the GOP Nominee-

  34. ABC Resident Leftist George Stephanopoulos Big Loser at New Hampshire Debate

  35. GOP 9-00 AM MSNBC New Hampshire Presidential Debate

  36. No, the Republicans did not hate on gays last night

  37. If Newt could learn to suffer in silence, he might be stronger in surveys

  38. Gingrich Supporters Release Anti-Romney Movie On His Tenure With Bain Capital (Trailer)

  39. THE OTHER WHITE MEAT- Thousands of young white British girls are kidnapped, raped, and groomed for sex by Pakistan Muslims

  40. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Major French backlash against Islam and Muslim immigration

  41. Facing certain death, dogs from Afghanistan find new homes in the U.S. and Canada

  42. Just what the UK needs- A politician with the ‘stones’ to say, “Put a pork restaurant next to the Ground Zero Victory Mosque”

  43. Mitt Romney Got Arrested

  44. Obama in Wonderland

  45. It is now legal to skin roadkill in Illinois

  46. Obvious- Perry Calls Obama A Socialist (Video)

  47. Why Conservatives Don’t Trust Romney 

  48. Egypt- Saudi-Style Islamic Morality Squads Begin Enforcement Of Sharia Law…

  49. Axelrod Confirms That Baghdad Bob Cursed Out Mooch

  50. MNN- You Righties Hate Volts Because They’re Obama’s Babies

  51. Microsoft Does It Again!

  52. reassigned

  53. More Astonishing Insight Coming Forth in the Months Ahead

  54. Don't Let Media Fear Intimidate You

  55. TEBOWMANIA… Thousands of Fired-Up Fans Greet Tim Tebow as He Enters Stadium for Playoffs (Video)

  56. Wall Street Insider: “19th and G”

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