Saturday, January 7, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 6, 2012


  1. Turkish general held on terrorism charges

  2. NYT- Obama's re-election plan

  3. Report- Occupy “Creator” Mass Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren Collects Millions From Wall St

  4. Internet Inventor Al Gore Comes Out Against SOPA

  5. Obama is Undercutting our Jewish Future

  6. Et tu, Sarah-

  7. Pentagon defends

  8. Levin- Obama's Comment 'Forthright Statement Of A Dictator'

  9. Savage- Here's what America will look like if Obama wins


  11. Boston Globe disses Romney and endorses Huntsman 

  12. Reporter asks White House spokesman Jay Carney- Has Obama 'given up on Hope and change-'

  13. Did Rick Santorum really win the GOP Iowa Caucus-

  14. Video- Newt Gingrich offers to go to NAACP and explain why African-Americans need paychecks not Food Stamps

  15. Strange- Billionaire investor Warren Buffett to sing for China at Spring Festival gala

  16. Conservatives still looking for a 'not-Romney'

  17. DC Dem caught stealing $350,000 in government funds resigns

  18. NH Tea Party Leaders Endorse Santorum

  19. Are The Employment Numbers Bullshit-

  20. Flashback Of The Day

  21. Punching Down

  22. Not the same sheet of music

  23. Gillard carbon tax-

  24. Leave it alone, you despicable scumbags!

  25. Contraception Factoid

  26. Impressive

  27. Epiphany in the ice

  28. Iowa- Allegation Romney Wrongly Credited With 20 Non-existent Votes, Santorum Now Winner

  29. Would Obama’s Re-election Be Better In The Long Run Than A Romney Win-

  30. Unemployment at 8.5% – 20 Million Remain Unemployed or Underemployed

  31. Navy SEAL Sniper Chris Kyle- I Decked Jesse Ventura (Video)

  32. When the Seed we Sow manifests it's DNA, Don't be Shocked

  33. Allen West- House GOP leadership 'sold us down the road' for 'pathetic policy' [VIDEO]

  34. Palin Notes Obama’s Disdain for Rule of Law

  35. Did Romney Actually Lose Iowa to Santorum-

  36. Losing the Base Again-

  37. Group Planning To Fly “Impeach Obama” Banner Over Super Bowl…

  38. Hacker Group Anonymous- “We Are The 99%” And We Find Obama Guilty Of “Domestic Terrorism”…

  39. Feed my sheep -- the prerequisite

  40. Windfarms Are Horrendous Says…..Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore

  41. Daily Read – January 6

  42. 2012 Predictions- Persecution Will Increase in US

  43. America Needs Our Prayers

  44. After America, There is No Place to Go

  45. Word of the Lord for America and Israel

  46. Secular Media on Spiritual Warfare, Politics and '7 Mountains'


  48. Right-to-Work Law Advances in Indiana; House Dems Again No-Shows

  49. Mic Check!…  Republicans Shut Off Clyburn’s Microphone Today on House Floor

  50. Ohio Students Laugh at The One

  51. Same U.S. Navy warship recently ordered out of Persian Gulf by Iran, rescues 13 Iranians from Somali Muslim Pirates

  52. Bill Ayers Apostle Appointed White House Education Initiative Director…

  53. NFL Players Union Whines About Right To Work Bill

  54. Shocking Deception- ICE Overstating Deportations By 24-1 Ratio

  55. New Hampshire Restaurant Bans All Politicians

  56. What Iowa Says About the Religious Right

  57. John Yoo Worries Again About the Abuse of Executive Power

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