Monday, January 2, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 1, 2012


  1. Court case determines church must shut down

  2. Unindicted terror 'co-conspirator' gets blog closed down

  3. If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem

  4. Intellectual Freedom Buried Yet Again

  5. 'Should the US cut off aid to Egyptian military-'

  6. Embarrassed to be a Jew

  7. Will the Animosity against Israelis ever End-

  8. They Think You Are Stupid

  9. Looking for Greater Clarity from Ron Paul

  10. Time for Nancy Pelosi to Fulfill Promise to “Drain Swamp”—By Retiring!

  11. Oppressing Ahead



  14. PAPER- Loss of faith in politicians, democracy could make '12 most frightening year in living memory

  15. Anarchy in the U.S.A.

  16. Black fmr. congressman considers ditching Democratic Party

  17. Pot, meet kettle- Jon Huntsman calls Ron Paul unelectable

  18. New laws update from the Peoples Republic of California

  19. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus explains why voter ID laws are common sense

  20. EXCLUSIVE PHOTO- Nancy Pelosi- Livin' La Vida 1%

  21. Super Bowl (Very Early) Prediction

  22. Nigerian President Declares State of Emergency Over Islamic Threat

  23. Ten 2012 predictions

  24. George Washington writes a letter to President Obama

  25. Corporate Welfare

  26. Happy New Year 2012

  27. Coddington Promotes NZ Style Separatism In Australia

  28. General Debate

  29. Suspect Arrested in Massive Los Angeles Arson Spree

  30. Arab Spring… Muslim Brotherhood Plans to Cancel Israel Peace Pact

  31. Happy New Year

  32. Word of the Lord for 2012 - Hope Deferred

  33. Virgina Attorney General Set to Intervene

  34. The Politics of False Unity

  35. 4.0 earthquake strikes in northeast Ohio

  36. Multiculturalism Trudeau's gift to Canada ...Claims Person Who Has Lived In A Cave For the Last 40 Years

  37. All the way from Islamabad...Haidi

  38. Serviceman Held for Carrying Explosives Into Texas Airport

  39. Is Ron Paul a Racist-

  40. Online community Reddit driving opposition to piracy bill

  41. Keeping Up With Baby Sloths

  42. I am sick and tired…

  43. Obama-Endorsed #Occupy Criminals Start Off New Year By Stabbing Cop

  44. FOX News Takes a Look Back at the Criminal #Occupy Movement from 2011 (Video)

  45. Newt- “Romney would buy the election if he could”

  46. The Ron Paul Chronicles

  47. NYC- Hundreds of Wall Street Occupiers Try And Retake Zuccotti Park, Clash With Police Officers…

  48. Egypt- Muslim Brotherhood Vows Not To Recognize Israel, Cancel Peace Treaty…

  49. Happy New Year 2012!…

  50. Having Solved All Of Gaza’s Problems, Hamas Launches Crackdown On Mannequins And Fortune-Tellers

  51. Weasel Zippers’ Top Ten Posts of 2011

  52. Virginia Elementary School Indoctrinating Third-Graders With Occupy Sing-Along- “They Want More Money…”

  53. Hollywood Moonbat George Clooney- “I’m Disillusioned By The People Who Are Disillusioned By Obama

  54. Holocaust Survivors Outraged Over Concentration Camp Garb During Ultra-Orthodox Protest

  55. Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake Shakes Japan

  56. AUSTRALIA- Islamic ‘scholar’ says, “If you allow your woman to attend a Western university,

  57. Muslims show us why they could never have been descended from apes

  58. AUSTRALIA- Muslims demand federal government permit Islamic law…even though they are already using


  60. FLORIDA- A salute to our military and veteran heroes with featured speaker Allen West

  61. Thomas Friedman, you pitiful fool

  62. Guns and Horses

  63. 2012 will bring with it the Chance of a Lifetime

  64. Obama in Prophecy

  65. Mark Steyn Rings In 2012

  66. Zechariah 9-9-10

  67. Two days before caucuses- Romney leads, Paul second, Santorum surging

  68. Jeb Bush Declares for 2012

  69. Taylor Marsh throws in the towel on Obama

  70. The Party’s Over

  71. ‘Let’s Move’- A Government Initiative to Lie to Kids

  72. Is Newt Gingrich Running for POTUS or Working at the Chocolate Factory-

  73. The silliest of questions

  74. Not so Happy New Year

  75. Jeb Bush op-ed has Republicans wondering about run - The Hill's


NOTE: I don’t know if 68 is true or not. I haven’t seen any other articles saying Jeb Bush would be running for president. But it is an article I read today.


NOTE: Number 70 is an article written by a Feminist. You might be interested in reading about what she wrote. It sounds like she won’t be voting for Obama this election. 

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