Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Meatheads Of The Day (1-2-2012)


1)  I don’t need to say anything on this person except he seems to have an obsession with the Occupiers. If you don’t know who Jesse Jackson do some research.


  1. Jesse Jackson- “Will Will Occupy The Streets And Jail Cells – Until There Is Economic Justice”…

2)  This woman Andrea Mitchell makes me wonder what the liberals are smoking now days. I know it isn’t cigarettes.

andrea mitchell

  1. NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell Not Hiding Her Elitist Liberal Views- Iowa “Too White, Too Evangelical, Too Rural”

3)  Don Cheadle says his wants the president to be more “Gangsta President”. This actor surely doesn’t watch too much news otherwise he would know Obama is a gangster of the Chicago Machine type.


  1. Liberal Actor Don Cheadle Says He Wants Obama To Be More Of A “Gangsta President”…

4)  Will Chris Matthews ever close his mouth and make people happy?


  1. Tingles Continues One-Man Crusade Against Newt- He Is “Like Freddy Krueger”…

  2. Chris Matthews on Hate in America- All Against Obama, No Haters On His Behalf

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