Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mark Of “Mark America” Thinks Obama Should be Challenged


This what Mark had to say in his post This Is No Time For Crying.  He said it in the first paragraph.


Barack Obama’s tyrannical actions must be challenged. This is going to be in the form of what Donald Rumsfeld once explained when he said to cat-calls: “You go to war with the army you have – not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.” We are now in that sort of fix. John Boehner is a weak leader, at least in terms of his willingness to make waves or engage in battle, but this is no time for whimpering. President Obama has openly declared by his actions of Wednesday that the Constitution is fungible, and that he has no need to obey it due only to a technicality otherwise known as the law. This cannot be permitted to go without challenge, and whether the United States Senate will take it up or not, the Speaker of the House must move to begin impeachment proceedings on the basis of Barack Obama’s willful disobedience of the US Constitution. Members of Congress must assemble to denounce him, and this must be brought to the light of day. What Barack Obama has hereby argued is that the constitution only matters when he permits it to be the controlling legal authority, but that in all other cases, it is secondary to the whims of his willingness to enforce or abide by the law.


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I believe Mark is right on this one. What do you think? If You agree with Mark email, fax, or phone you representatives and Senator to impeach Obama. 

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