Saturday, January 7, 2012

It Is Time To Wake Up


It is time to wake up, United States. Obama has taken off the mask and there is nothing but a ugly, corrupt dictator behind it. He has usurped the Congress and Senate by illegal placing recess appointments. He has signed the Defense Bill which Obama can have the military arrest a U.S. citizen on one of his “wanting to be a big shoot” whim. Obama gone against the Constitution time and time again. Obama has embraced the criminal occupiers. Obama has abused his power as president, period.


The meatheads in Congress and Senate (Democrats and Republicans) are letting Obama get by with corruption. They voted for the Defense Bill that can arrest citizens of U.S. with out the Miranda Act.  Not to mention, some of them have embraced the public nuisance called Occupy. It seems like there are few in both houses that are on the citizens side.  They act like they are draining the swarm but aren’t. Have you seen anybody dethroned in both houses lately for corruption, insider trade, etc.? They aren’t really doing something about Obama and dilly dallying with impeaching Eric Holder. Very few of them deserve their seats back. They proved they are worthless and need to be voted out.


The people at the Pentagon aren’t saying anything. I haven’t really heard a hint of whose side they are on, the citizens or the dictator. Have you? The crickets are still chirping in the silence in that department. I wonder if any of them have the guts or the heart of Josiah.


The fact is we can’t count on the Pentagon, Congress, the Senate, or the military. All we have is ourselves to depend on. At the voting polls, we have to clean house by voting these dirty bums out and getting things back on track with our Constitution.  Prayer added in this mix would help too.


Related Articles:

  1. Savage: Here’s what America will look like if Obama wins

  2. Levin- Obama's Comment 'Forthright Statement Of A Dictator'

  3. Limbaugh- The Lawless Obama Regime

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