Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Am For Rush Limbaugh Moderating A Republican Debate. Are You?


I am for letting Rush Limbaugh moderate a GOP debate. I know Rush would ask the right question Americans want to hear answer to. The Republican presidential candidates wouldn’t have to prostrate themselves yet again before the mainstream media.  Here is what Doug Patton has to say.


Let’s Have Rush Limbaugh Moderate a GOP Debate by Doug Patton

Twice in a span of 12 hours this past weekend, in what have laughingly come to be called “debates,” the six remaining Republican presidential candidates — Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman — prostrated themselves yet again before the mainstream media. As usual, the network celebrity talking heads gathered the GOP candidates together and dared them to attack each other, and once more there was a clear winner: Barack Obama.


Controlling the agenda on Saturday night were former Bill Clinton mouthpiece George Stephanopoulos and the soft-spoken, ever-patronizing Diane Sawyer of ABC. On Sunday morning it was even worse, with NBC’s hyper-liberal host of Meet the Press, David Gregory, directing the questions. As with most of the moderators in the previous 987 debates since last spring, these people could barely conceal their disdain for the candidates lined up before them, especially when the issues on the table were of a social nature, such as abortion or the defense of traditional marriage.


This has become a huge problem for the candidates and for the Republican primary process, because with the network elites in charge of these debates, the real issues are never discussed. Newt Gingrich still gets in a zinger now and then when he attacks the media or verbally assaults Obama, and Rick Perry called the president a socialist (he was being kind). Otherwise, who holds Obama accountable when his fiercest defenders are asking the questions?


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This article was found on Canada Free Press.

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