Wednesday, January 18, 2012

He Had A Dream


Bob Parks wrote this article on January 21, 2008 on his site, Black & Right, which can be found at He Had A Dream. This one here I found on Canada Free Press.

He Had A Dream by Bob Parks

A few years ago while heading in to work on L.A.’s 405 freeway, I heard a radio interview with writer Shelby Steele. He made a comment that Dr. Martin Luther King’s parents were staunch Republicans. I know not of where he got that information but unlike others, when conservatives lie and get caught, they lose all credibility. I took comfort taking him at his word.


It prompted me to make a call to someone I know in D.C. to find out what Dr. King’s party affiliation was. One would think someone who is “owned” by the Democrats would be one. Conversely the argument can be made that children tend to share the same values as their parents.


However, my research came up dry, which puzzles me. If Dr. King were a Democrat, it would be in our face. But no such pronouncement has ever been made. I suspect Dr. King was an Independent purely for the appearance of neutrality.


On its 40-year anniversary, I will attempt to interpret Dr. King’s legendary speech. I am not an Ivy League scholar. I am not an African Studies laureate. I am not a famous historian. I am just a black conservative who just may see things a bit differently than liberals would allow if they could stop me.

There are certain phrases in the “I Have A Dream” speech that could make the argument that Dr. King was conservative. So I won’t be accused of taking something out of context, I examined the entire speech….

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