Friday, January 20, 2012

Giacomo Questions Whether Everyone Needs Or Deserves A College Education


I am still at Godfather Politics reading and found another good post by Giacomo to recommend.


Does Everyone Deserve or Even Need a College Education- by Giacomo

When I graduated high school some years back, the general consensus was that a college education would help you get a better paying job. It was also generally accepted that not everyone could attend college nor did everyone deserve a college education.


Neither of my parents had any college education and there was no way they could afford to pay anything towards my college education. I didn’t qualify for any scholarships and student loans were not a consideration. If I wanted to go to college, I had to work and pay my own way.


Getting a college education was so important to me that I worked a variety of jobs, from flipping burgers to slinging pizza to butcher to retail sales. I worked full time and attended college full time. The hours were long and often difficult to manage, but I earned my college education and was proud of my accomplishment. Since I had to pay for my own college education, I took it seriously and didn’t waste my time and money partying or carrying on like you see happening today.


Read more: Does Everyone Deserve or Even Need a College Education?

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