Thursday, January 5, 2012

By His Fruits Ye Shall Know Him


The biblical phrase really say it: “By His Fruits Ye Shall Know Him”.  We should be voting on our leaders on this scripture besides what the person has done, his family life, etc. Nobody checked into Obama and look where we are at. 

Jesse Weed gives his view on it.


By His Fruits Ye Shall Know Him: Obama’s Subversive Appointments by Jesse Weed 


When President Obama made his initial cabinet appointments upon assuming the presidency, it looked as if the president had been, despite his history and associations with Wright, Ayers, Davis, et al., a moderate, left-leaning Democrat. His appointments were practically all ex-Clintonites.


In a 2008 Human Events article, "Obama's Cabinet So Far," Ross Kaminsky wrote that Obama's cabinet looked "like the third Clinton Administration." That soon began to change with Executive Office appointments, Regulatory Agency appointments, and appointments of czars and czarinas.


Thus began Obama's rule by judicial intimidation through the DOJ and by behavioral modification through the myriad of government agencies, from the EPA to the DoE. Behavioral modification by red tape has especially become the imprimatur of the Obama administration -- i.e., bypass congress and rule by regulatory edicts.


It has become increasingly evident that the original Clintonista appointments were just a smokescreen regarding what was to be Obama's stealth agenda. Subsequent appointments have revealed two persistent themes that that would be a hard sell outside the Beltway.


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This article was found on American Thinker.

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