Thursday, December 15, 2011

An Article That Brought Tears From My Eyes


The article wasn’t sad as in an eulogy of a person. It was about freedom loving people in the world. Who are doing their best at “fighting the good fight” in the right way against the liberals of the far left in their government. Their fighting for the same rights we are here in America.


The article came from Canada Free Press and was written by Judi McLeod.


The Silent Majority


Editor’s Note: The cry of the oppressed is coming out of the darkness into the light, country by country.


In another era it would have been buried under the mountains, drowned by tides, disappeared by gulag bureaucracies working under the cover of night.


But it is the Christmas Season of 2011 and the masses of the Silent Majority have something the politicians can not silence—the World Wide Web.


Farmers in the field, mothers bending over cradles—people everywhere—now sense that inexplicable tingle that something’s not right.


It’s a moment in history that echoes the moment in time when an ordinary simple Orthodox monk in his three-word declaration “Christ has risen!” forced the all powerful Politburo to turn and walk off the stage during Red Square, May Day celebrations, signaling the soon-to-come fall of Communism.


The American patriot fighting to stave off the Total Transformation of America no longer stands alone.


The pioneering, grassroots TEA PARTY the American Government strives to suppress, has finally broken its strains to become worldwide.


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